
In CATS a sad but necessary cycle of violent predatory behavior, Otis is typically one of the favorites.


Otis is the creation of Orsolya Orbán, a children’s book illustrator from Romania. Orsolya has contributed to books such as Galaxies, Planets, and The Big Bang ( http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/13558165.Orsolya_Orb_n). Each cat in the game has a unique personality. Much of their personality is defined by the artist that created them. It is to her credit that the vast majority of players select Otis first. The orange cat wrapped up in toilet paper seems to speak to everyone.

OTIS has an ability to change a target after all cards have been revealed (Look Cute). This is a great end of game talent. Redirecting a STEAL at the perfect time can be the difference in pulling out a victory by eating that last elusive bird or going hungry.


CATS a sad but necessary cycle of violent predatory behavior is a game for 3-5 players where you play a cat in the backyard attempting to catch, steal, and eat birds for enjoyment points.

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