
Psychological Warfare

Type: Card Game
Playing Time: 30 minutes
Number Of Players: 2-4
Age: 13+
Release Date: Released


Available on backorder

All games incorporate psychology, this one takes it head-on. You will be using Backhanded Compliments, Clever Insults, Paranoia, Stress and Phobias to manipulate scores in four dimensions. It has twists, multiple tactics, and counter-actions that keep the game fresh and replayable.

This is the 4th edition version.

Psychological Warfare

All games incorporate psychology, this one takes it head on. You will use Backhanded Compliments, Clever Insults, Paranoia, Stress, and Phobias to manipulate scores in a direction that you choose. It has twists and multiple tactics, counter-actions that keep the game fresh and replayable.

Your decisions will be based upon balancing your:
– Mental Energy – Emotional Baggage – Attacks or Defense – High energy cards vs. Low-cost cards – Therapy
The flavor of the game is light and sarcastic. Be ready for some “take-that!” (It IS Psychological WARFARE after all).

You choose to lower another player’s score with a clever insult, they block that change with resistance, but you overcome theirs with some resistance of your own :).

All of these actions use Mental Energy… is that where you want to spend it?

Psychological Warfare
Trust Me!!!
Psychological Warfare cards


“Psychological Warfare has been one of my best-selling games over the last year. There are so few games on the topic and it’s a game I enjoy playing.” Stephan Bonzo Owner of the Game Gamut in Pittsford, NY

From Amazon
5.0 out of 5 stars 5! I LOVE IT!!   By Nyan on June 4, 2015 Verified Purchase

I originally learned about this game at the 2014 Running Gag Convention at SUNY Geneseo. LOVED IT back then and still love it now. It’s really a nice game that you don’t need too many people to enjoy and is really easy to catch onto. I ordered this game on May 30 and received it today (June 4) so it was a really good delivery time (I live in the north bay area of CA). Sadly my box came with a dent/nick that pulled the top layer of the cardboard up 🙁 (Smaller boxes make that look more obvious) but it doesn’t have any effects aside from how it looks in my room.
UPDATE: I just got a new game in the mail today (June 9). You’re the best, Dan! Not a scratch and oh so beautiful. 😀

5.0 out of 5 starsThis is a fun and challenging strategy card game By Taeter on May 21, 2015

This is a fun and challenging strategy card game! It’s a nice length (usually less than 30 minutes which is great because strategy games typically run longer). There are 8 different archetypes (characters, if you will) so that alone means you can play the game a lot and still have it feel different each time.

I do happen to be a psychology major. The major psychological theories and theorists are represented in this game – and for that, I reason I just loved it. It was nice to have fun and laugh over topics I was stressing over all semester in class. People told me my psych major wouldn’t be applicable in the real world, but they were wrong! This game proves it.

The attention to detail is apparent in the fun graphics on the cards. I especially appreciated that there was a QR code that gave me access to the instructions on my smartphone. Playing in a group (up to four can play – though I’ve noticed other people in the room are drawn over to simply watch the drama unfold!) this was really handy. We didn’t have to keep passing the instructions around. The game was a little hard to get the hang of at first, but it’s the complexity that keeps me coming back to it! Freud would have something to say about that. 5.0 out of 5 stars My current favorite By M. Steffens on March 19, 2016

I attend a lot of game groups in my area and get exposed to lots of games. This one is my go-to for a quick but fun strategy game. It’s one of those you can learn in minutes, but has extensive replayability and requires lots of adaptability, as players seek to drive you into neurosis or protect themselves with defense mechanisms. Highly recommended!


– What does the Stress card do?Psychological games,psychological games questions,Psychological Theory,Psychology

As a result of a printing error, the complete text is missing in the 4th edition stress card. It should read “Give to Another Player” and  “When another player lowers one of your scores with an action card. subtract an additional point.”

– If another player plays Paranoia on me to take my mental energy, can I block it with a REACTION card, or is my Mental Energy gone because the player took it? The other player only takes your Mental Energy upon the successful completion of playing the SPECIAL card.

– If you had the A.D.H.D, Electro-Convulsive Shock Therapy or Amnesia card, you could spend 2 Mental Energy and prevent the other player from taking any of yours.

– If I go to therapy and lose the Special Card Multiple Personality, do I lose my 2nd personality? No, the card says that you have the 2nd personality for the rest of the game, the only exception to this would be if someone played the Lobotomy card on you.

– When I go to therapy, do I put my Defense Mechanisms, Baggage, AND Phobia cards under my Archetype? Yes, your Mental Energy and the Cards in your hand are unaffected.

– Do I HAVE to place my Defense Mechanisms? No, Defense Mechanisms MAY be placed when drawn or at the beginning of your turn… you can hold on to them until you get rid of a Phobia or some other such issue or you can turn them into Mental Energy.

– The Outlaw lowers All other player’s scores in Power, but one of those players has Reaction Formation and changes it to Freedom on their card. Does the Outlaw gain a point in each category (Power and Freedom)? Yes. Each TURN that the Outlaw successfully lowers a category score, they gain a point in that category.

– Can I choose to lower one of my own scores if it is at 1? No

– Can I choose to lower one of my own scores by 1 if it is a 2 and I have been directed to lower the score by 2? Yes

– What is the Primary Score category mentioned on Denial? Primary Score is your 4 point category and Secondary is your 3 point category. For the Sage, it is BOTH 2 point categories.

– Is baggage under Repression “protected”? No, Repression only prevents baggage from being counted.

– What type of Baggage can the Altruist take? Any card with a baggage icon (1 or 2 bags) in front of another player.


Click on the image below to download the latest rules pdf

Psychological Warfare Rules

Click on the image below to download the tentative solitaire rules pdf

Psychological Warfare Solitaire

STRATEGYThere is no one strategy that works best in Psychological Warfare and some of it will be based upon your personal preferences, but here are some basic guidelines:
1 – DON’T RACE TO GET TO 8. Often times you can win a category with less than 8 points. You only need to be tied or higher than everyone else. If you are in a brutal game where everyone is attacking each other. A 4 may be enough to win your primary category. Look around, see what is necessary and start working on your secondary and tertiary goals if you have room.

2 – DON’T HOLD ON. Don’t hold on to that “great card” that you just want to use for too many turns. Doing this will limit your choices and ability to act. If you aren’t doing anything, you aren’t winning!

3 – DON’T LET UP. This may sound contradictory to suggestion, but it is not. Don’t relax and think you have it won, the situation can change quickly. Keep applying the pressure or working on yourself.

4 – PLAY FOR THE LAST TURN.  Try to gauge how many turns are left. This is not always possible because a well-played Drama Queen card can dwindle the deck quickly. But generally, you can get a sense of how many turns are left. Make sure that you have the energy and appropriate cards for the end game. Often, it will come down to the last turn, so you will need to plan for it. There are some cards that are better suited for early game, don’t waste time with them near the end. Turning Multiple Personality and a number of Defense Mechanisms into Mental Energy might be a wiser choice.

5 – ACT OUT THE FLAVOR TEXT. OK, this has nothing to do with strategy, but it does make the game more fun if you play it up.  Enjoy!
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