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Based on the works of author Patrick Thomas and his series of stories about the 142nd Starborne. This is a Sci-Fi themed hand-building card game played over 3 challenges. Each player assumes the role of a faction in a futuristic society where the use of their military and civilian abilities allows them to increase their overall power on the planet.
Each player will play 4 cards per challenge in turn order. Cards will counteract, capture, overpower, or set up other cards played. Points are earned by winning challenges, capturing enemy cards, and earning credits.
Hand-building differs from deck-building in that the cards you gain through the open draft are placed in your hand and will be immediately available for use. Cards roll over from round to round.
Rising Storm: The Starborne 9s played over 3 Rounds. Each round consists of 3 Challenges. Players will score points based on the number of Challenges they have won, the number of credits they have collected, and the power of the cards they have Confiscated.
During each challenge, each player plays four cards in turn order. With this style, you can set up the play of one card with the card you choose to play first.
Be careful. Diplomats can nullify the value of military units, hackers can steal your credits, and Special Ops can capture your civilians.
1 – Player Board
2- Player Turn Order tokens
3- Each player is dealt 5 cards at the start of the game. Extra cards roll over to the next round
4- A market is created and each player drafts three cards.
5- A total of four cards are played by each player in turn order.
In the rule book, the section on 4-player (which is my favorite way to play) was cut off. Here is what is should say.
The players may play a four-player game with teams. Partners sit across from each other. No conversation is allowed about cards in hand or intended strategies, as is standard in these kinds of games. Players only score points on their cards and lose credits to the sapper as individuals, but their scores are combined at the end of the game. In a four-player game, the cards of their partner may not be captured, unless it is by a Spy.
What cards do we use in a 3 player game?
Each player would take the cards associated with their faction (no dashes in the upper corners). The deck would consist of the cards for the 2+ and 3+ decks (two dashes and three dashes).
After the challenge, cards left in the battle not captured are discarded and players keep the hand they have and redraft with what is left in the deck. Meaning, you may no longer have the cards you started with. Is this correct?
Correct, you no longer have the cards that you played in the previous round(s), but the cards in your hand rollover.
Do you also use cards that have no dashes as part of your deck with three players, or do you only use number 2 and 3 decks?
The cards with no dashes would all be associated with a faction and are their starting cards, so you would only use the ones that are attached to the factions that are in play. The factions not being used would be set aside.
“This overall is an excellent game. It’s a lot of fun. It’s very straight forward, it’s very streamlined, and you’ll want to play again after you’ve played it . As you understand it you’ll get better at it.”
The Unfiltered Gamer
LINKS to Patrick Thomas, his previous story about the 142nd Starborne, and his other books.
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