
The Gate of R’lyeh

Type: Tabletop Game
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Number Of Players: 4-8
Age: 10+
Release Date: Released


In stock (can be backordered)

You have been sent to reinforce the cosmic gate. You must be confident that you are combining the proper components, but be warned, delving into the occult is certain to affect you and your colleague’s sanity. The clock is ticking and time is running short.  Stop the cultists – create the sigils.

The clock is ticking. The gate is failing. Your team of investigators has been sent to R’lyeh for the purpose of trapping Cthulhu in his prison forever. The investigators have two enemies: The clock and the cultists hidden among their numbers.

Triggering the four needed incantations will take all of the skill your team can muster and you don’t have the luxury of time to search for the traitors in your midst. 

The odds are slim and the fate of the world rests in your hands.

R’lyeh is played in rounds. After each player chooses one of five actions the clock advances one hour. Choose your actions wisely. The pressure is on to complete the mission. Finding cultists is secondary. DO NOT GET DISTRACTED!


For the basic game use the 4 gods without special rules (Ithaca, Zahr, Bokrug, and Dagon). For a deeper game and to add even more replay value add in any number of the additional 8 gods included in the game.


No players are eliminated from the game. A discovered cultist is weaken and becomes a bit pesky. They can no longer vote, (who would listen to them?) but they still need to be dealt with.

The goal for the investigators is to have 4 of the 7 cards played in the incantation be of the target sigil. Playing cards of the polar opposite are damaging. The 7th card is played face-up and all cards are revealed to determine success of failure. If the investigators fail to create the 4 reinforcing sigils by midnight all will be lost.


Equipment will give investigators AND cultist special abilities!

When it’s looking bleak for the investigators, they can decide to consult the Necronomicon. However, this is a dangerous and risky proposition. The Investigators may buy themselves some additional time, but failure will mean an immediate and gruesome end.



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Clarification of  Necronomicon rules:
If the Investigators are desperate, they may attempt to use the Necronomicon. Before a player takes their turn, they may ask the group if they wish to consult the Necronomicon (this is NOT an action). A majority of players (not counting discovered Cultists) must agree to consult the book. At that point, a player must volunteer to be the one to open it. After opening, that player will draw 3 Insanity cards. Flip the book cover card off the Necronomicon deck. Read the directions and place the card face-up next to the Necronomicon deck.

When the Necronomicon is active, it has five effects.
– Immediately put 1 hour back onto the clock.
– All players fill their hand back to 3 cards (do not discard any cards).
– If a cultist is discovered while the Necronomicon is active, the Investigators will regain one hour on the clock.
– The rules for Triggering an incantation will be altered.
– If the Incantation fails, the game immediately ends with the Investigators losing.

If Successful, the Necronomicon is “closed” (replace the book cover). If the group wishes to leave it closed, they may. If the players want to re-open it, they must go through the voting process, find a volunteer, and lose sanity.

The Insanity card that requires a player to accuse if possible when they are out of cards requires both actions. Draw three cards AND accuse. If their other insanities make it impossible to accuse another player they do not have to.


Click on the image to the left to view, print or download the rulebook.

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