
Affliction: Salem 1692

Type: Tabletop Game
Playing Time: 60 minutes
Number Of Players: 2-4
Age: 13+
Release Date: Released


Available on backorder

AFFLICTION: Salem 1692 is a game set in the hysteria of a witch-hunt. Use your influence to whisper in the ear of the Magistrate, Judge, Governor or Minister to protect some and have others arrested.
The deeply embedded narrative of mob justice is relevant in these wild contemporary times and it resonates through the mechanisms – an accomplishment most designers would sell their soul for. The way it steers you toward abominable behavior and makes a statement on the flaws of society is conceptually brilliant.
The Review Corner Miniaturemarket.com

We are currently out of stock, but worry not, more are on their way. Expected arrival date is in early March.

Salem,Witch trial,witches,1692,affliction,Salem Witch Trial,salem witch trials
The hysteria over witches among the people of Salem swept the region like a disease in 1692. As is the case in any tragic event, there are those who will use the circumstances to their advantage. Under the veil of the witch-hunt lie other motivations; power, greed, revenge, and righteousness.AFFLICTION is a game set in the hysteria of a witch-hunt. Use your influence to whisper in the ear of the magistrate, judge, governor or minister to protect some and have others arrested. Salem was a chance to gain property, exact revenge and prove one’s righteousness.

AFFLICTION is an authentic experience of the events surrounding Salem Massachusetts 1692. The 41 colonists in the game are the people that were connected to the witch trials. The tension between Village and Town, the resentment between families, accusing and arresting would be witches, and seizing property from those arrested are all rewarded.
You will play a faction within the town or village of Salem, using influence to bring colonists into your circle. You may also use that influence to ask the Governor to protect individuals, for the Magistrate to arrest others, the Judge to help you to become more influential or Cotton Mather to spread suspicion.

AFFLICTION: Salem 1692 is a “worker placement” game. Each player will vie for limited actions each turn. After actions are selected, influence is “spent” to affect the community of Salem.

There is also an engine building component and an engine disruption feature. These mechanics allow for a much more interactive experience than most games of this type.

Salem,Witch trial,witches,1692,affliction,Salem Witch Trial,salem witch trials

1-Main Esteemed Board
4-Player Boards  
12-Prominent Colonist cards
29-Colonist cards
2-End Game cards
6-Grevience cards
4-Reference cards

1-Spectral Evidence
1-First Player

1-Rules Sheet
1-Quick Start guide


“Every so often we come across a game that really stands out to us, not because of wood or plastic but because the game is so different, so driven, so thematic that it haunts our gaming dreams and must be talked about! Today that game is Affliction: Salem 1692. Witch hunts, blood feuds and vengeance from the past are just some aspects of this historic game.”

“This game… It’s something very different, very stand out, and in a sea of games with 100 miniatures and 50 wooden bits… this is something really cool, really different to have on your shelf.” MFG Cast (http://www.mfgcast.com/)

“What a fun game. It is probably my sleeper hit of the con (Origins game fair)” Dean Liggett (Board Game Buffet)

“Had a blast playing Affliction Salem 1692! The theme and mechanics really help capture that era of history. Played my first 4 player game last week – a huge hit w/ our group. Can’t wait to play again.” Team Awesome GG

“I really enjoy the way the game feels. I think Affliction got this right. The characters are thematic and the game is thematic.”
Lindsey – The Five By

The Five ByThe Five By


“I think they did a really nice job putting together this interesting worker placement game with a theme that is intriguing and something I really haven’t seen done in this way.” BoardGameswithPanda

P. O. Cromwell said:
Hey, a little late, but I wanted to say: this is the best game I ever backed in a Kickstarter. Just fantastic! Endlessly playable and terrific attention to historical detail. Bravo!


-Your starting colonist is placed in your circle to begin the game. It is possible that all of the colonists in your circle can be arrested. However, you do continue to play.
– Mary Spencer Hill and Increase Mather have to be removed from the Colonist deck before you shuffle it and remove 6 cards.
– Quickstart sheet refers to tokens rather than messengers.

– Once colonists are arrested, they may only be unarrested by Philip English and his ability (accusations and Spectral Evidence have no impact on this).
– You may not arrest colonists from other faction’s arrested collections.
– Tokens are removed from the arrested colonists and are put back into the supply.

– Take Influence – Take an influence token from another player’s influence token bank and add it to yours.
– Remove Influence – Take an influence token from another player’s influence token bank and add it to the general reserve.
– Influence tokens that Dr. Griggs places on Colonists are “Advocate” tokens and cannot be taken or removed.

Clock Icon – These ongoing abilities only occur when the colonist is in a players circle.
Afflicted Girls can place accusations on William Proctor when he is in the field of play, but not when he is in someone’s circle.
The only abilities that trigger when a card is not in a players circle are “when arrested” and the Sarah Good/Mary Black scapegoat ability.


Tituba’s ability works after ANY arrest.

Sarah Good / Mary Black

Sarah Good and Mary Black ability can be used with the following exceptions. If their card:
1. has the protection token
2. has been arrested
3. is still in the deck
4. has the Spectral Evidence token
5. is in YOUR circle and you are attempting to arrest a Prominent colonist (a member of one of the 3 main families).

Thomas Putnam
If you choose the first 2 accusation spots – place 2 instead of 1
If you select the later accusation location – place 3 instead of 2
If you have afflicted girls in your circle, place only 1 additional accusation even if you have multiple girls placing multiple accusations.
If you have Tituba and Thomas, she will place 2 after every arrest.

Dr. Griggs
The Advocate tokens placed on Dr. Griggs (use Influence tokens to represent this) do not increase the amount of Influence Dr. Griggs generates. If he has two Influence tokens on his card, he still generates 1 Influence. Technically, these tokens are no longer Influence (we didn’t want to print special tokens just for one character).

If a card has both Spectral Evidence and Protect placed on it, can that card be arrested? No, it cannot. Nothing defeats protection, only moving it will make the colonist susceptible to arrest.

When you resolve the Spectral Evidence space (or use Mercy Lewis’ ability), you may place the Spectral Evidence token on any colonist you chose. In effect, you are “moving” it from one colonist to another. This is also true of Protection.

You can recruit another colonist from another player’s circle, this is expensive (accusations and Spectral Evidence have no impact on this) and typically not worth it… but it can be done.

To clarify, the word token should be replaced with messenger to read as follows: 3. Randomly determine 1st player. Take turns selecting actions by placing 1 messenger at a time on the Esteemed board. 1 messenger per space. 4. After all messengers are placed, remove them 1 at a time starting with the upper left-hand corner of the Esteemed board and resolve the action at that time, following the cobblestone path.


Click on images below

Historical BookletSalem Historical booklet

Playmat pdf

Affliction Play Mat

Print on 11″ x 17″ Tabloid Paper

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